

Because of the nature of my job, I find myself wanting to do pretty much anything other than reading in my free time. Staring at words all day makes staring at more words less enjoyable for me. But I miss reading. I used to read voraciously, often finishing a long book in little over a day. Now I work on the same novel for weeks, and it's one I've read before. If I were reading something new, I'd have forgotten what the first part of the book was about by now.

I need to pledge to myself to read more frequently, even if it's crap literature or Harry Potter. At least it's something. I have half a shelf of books I want to read but haven't started yet. I was an English Lit major in college for Pete's sake! Where has my love of reading gone? I plan to spend at least a little bit of time every day reading a book. That's my promise to myself, my education, and my sanity. Losing myself in a book is an experience I dearly miss.


I seem to have gotten some of my knitting mojo back. I never really took a break from it this summer with all the medical crap, but I've stuck mainly to garter stitch blankets for me and my brother, and haven't had the desire to do much else. The other night I got a wild hair and looked into a couple of sweater patterns. I've started one already and I'm waiting on yarn for the other. I've also downloaded or queued a bunch of shawl patterns and I think I'll add at least one lace project to the rotation too. I feel like a fog is lifting; it's so nice to be interested in something again.

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