
Finally Starting MS3

WIP - Gryffindor Scarf
Originally uploaded by LaurenKnits
I think I'll finally have a chance to start Mystery Stole 3 this week. Wednesday after work my brother and I are driving to my grandmother's house in SW VA for a family reunion. It's also a bit of a vacation for my family and I'd like to spend at least a few hours knitting. I also don't want to be the last person of the 6000+ in the MS3 KAL to start. I may not get too much done, depending on how much time I have, but I'll be able to get started at least. The crappy part? The new clue and theme are revealed on Friday and I will not have internet while down there. :(

I'm also taking a couple books with me so I can read in the car. I don't think reading charts will work too well for me on the ride back. Maybe I'll take one of my other projects for car-knitting. Or I'll just expand my mind. I've got The Time Traveller's Wife, A Thousand Splendid Suns, and Water for Elephants (if I can borrow it) to choose from, all of which I've heard are excellent.

Above is the first repeat of the Gryffindor scarf I'm making for Jenn's Halloween costume. She decided to be Ginny. I just hope Halloween night isn't too warm for a wool/alpaca/silk blend scarf. It shouldn't be, but MD weather is unpredictable sometimes.


Log Cabin Baby Blanket

FO - Log Cabin Baby Blanket
Originally uploaded by LaurenKnits
Here it is. The finished blanket. I actually finished it over the weekend (put off reading Harry Potter 7 until it was done) and gave it to the recipient on Tuesday this week. He seemed really happy and touched. I was just glad to make something pretty that the baby can hopefully enjoy for a long time to come.

He told me yesterday that when he took it home, his three year old used it as a superhero cape. But when he told her it was for the baby, she went straight away to lay it carefully in the bassinet. Very cute.

In between finishing that and getting the new yarn for the Gryffindor scarf and blanket, I made myself a Calorimetry. I've been looking at the pattern for a while, because I always have my hair in a ponytail or something similar, and I hate having that bump when you wear a hat over a ponytail. I had some Knit Picks Panache that I didn't know what to do with, so I used that. It's so soft and lovely. It's nice because it covers most of the top of my head and my ears, but is narrow enough in the back. It's pretty much perfect. I got some buttons for it last night so all I have to do is wash it to get any extra dye out and sew on the button and I'll be ready for the cold weather.

So now I'm working on the Gryffindor scarf for my friend's Halloween costume, C's husband J's blanket, and, eventually, Mystery Stole 3 for me. And also back to my laceweight Clapotis sometime in the future. Busy busy.


These aren't idle hands

Drama at work. No specifics because I'm too paranoid about someone with excellent Google skills stumbling across it. Needless to say, drama. And it's weird because up until now there really hasn't been that much here. Everyone gets along and does what they're supposed to do. Pretty nice work environment. But lately you can feel the tension in the air, and that's too bad, because I think it's affecting the group as a whole instead of just those directly involved in the drama.

The log cabin blanket is almost finished. I decided to put a cream-colored border around it to finish it. I think it'll look really nice. I'm doing a sewn bind-off for the first time and it's taking a really long time to do, but I think it's better than the standard bind off because it's stretchier. I've got two more sides to add the border to and then I can weave in all the ends, wash and block (as much as cotton will really block--I'll probably just put it through the dryer) and then it's off to its recipient and I can start my next two or three projects.

I ordered some black Malabrigo laceweight to make the Mystery Stole 3. I'm really enjoying seeing everyone's progress and I can't wait to start mine. I also have had two commissions: a Gryffindor scarf for my friend's Halloween costume and an afghan for C's husband. He can't have too much acrylic too close to his skin, so the afghan I made for C a while ago (the Gondor Tree one) out of Simply Soft gives him a reaction. I'm making the afghan out of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted in Seaside. Pricy, but he doesn't mind paying for natural fibers. And I like working with the LLSW, so it's all good. I just hope he doesn't mind it taking a couple of months, because having a wool blanket across my lap as I knit it (in August) isn't my idea of the most comfortable time I could spend. I'll probably cycle the three because the blanket and scarf will get boring and I'll need something interesting to break up the monotony.

I think this year I won't be doing a lot of Christmas knitting, if any. Last year it was just so much to do with gift projects and the baby items and I didn't actually finish until recently with the last xmas gift. So unless someone asks for something in particular, I'll just be knitting for fun on my own schedule and that will be that. Ok, I'll probably knit something for the babies like toys or something, but not a ton of stuff.