

yarn, originally uploaded by LaurenKnits.

Yarn is my first completed handspun skein. Merino/tencel blend. yummy.

Release time has always been busy, but it seems like the last two major releases have been worse. I don't know if it's because I'm not able to work as well as I used to or if something else changed, but I'm finding myself really frustrated with working long hours because I get so easily distracted during the day and night time is the only time it's quiet around here. Of course, it's night now and I'm blogging, so there you go. I'm going to have to get better at tuning out the background noises and loud people as the company continues to expand. We're almost filling up the new office already.

As a result of being so busy and working long days, my sleep lately has been crap and I've taken two vacation days all year. It'll be nice this fall and winter when I have lots of time to take off, but it would have been nice to feel like I was able to take more time off on a regular basis. Sometimes you need a day to recharge, you know? I'd really like to avoid making myself sick, and if I go by yesterday's headache, I'm already doing.

I picked up my knitting again. While I was in the beginning stages of learning to spin, I sort of dropped knitting for a while. In the last month or so I made a shirt for baby A and I started a sweater for myself. Last winter's sweater endeavor didn't go too well, so I'm going to try this pattern and then try a couple other things that will hopefully be relatively easy. I haven't taken pictures of the new sweater yet.

Oh yeah, and I got a new camera. I've been having fun playing with it, but I want to learn how to effectively use it because it's a nice piece of equipment and I don't want to waste its capabilities by always using the Auto setting.