
An End, Part 2

The Office Issue is over. That's all I'm going to say about it because, even though it's a relief, there's still a decent amount of stress to deal with resulting from it. I'm hoping that things are back to normal by the end of the year at the latest.

I decorated today. This is the first time I've put anything on the walls since I moved back here. It's making things feel more like home. Plus it helps empty some of the containers around here. I still have a few things to hang (and a few holes to put in walls to do so) so I'm not done, but at least I've started. The goal this evening is to get all my closet clothes hung up, put the obviously summer clothes away, and move my desk chair into the other room. Mom and dad are fixing up another room to be my brother's temporary space since he decided yesterday to move back. Of course, in the process of breaking up with the Girlfriend, she was doing her damndest to get him to stay. She's got many issues and him being around her isn't doing either of them any good. He needs to cut the ties and get away. That's going to be hard for him as she's got a manipulative grasp on him. Sigh.

The Jayne hats are finished. I got some crap from another coworker because I'd promised him a sushi roll toilet paper cover and he was jealous that the hats were done first. Of course, he was completely kidding. I'll probably work on it tonight and see how much I can get done. I've also started the BSJ (have to remember to add that to the project page) for G. It's a really pretty blue yarn. I'm trying to think of what buttons to get for it. Either some yellow or bright green, or something with cute shapes. I love making baby things.

I think I'll start on my sweater soon. I'm a little nervous, but I don't want to keep putting it off all winter. I also need to figure out something to knit on during the halloween party next week. I'm pretty sure Madame Defarge didn't have circular needles or acrylic, so I'll have to raid the wool and haul out some straight bamboo or aluminum needles, I guess. I'm pretty excited about it.


An End

The Office Drama I've alluded to and tried very hard to not be specific and ranty about may soon be coming to an end. That makes me very happy. I may just bake cookies. Purely by coincidence, not to celebrate, of course.

I've finished the Gryffindor scarf. Actually, I think I need to reblock it because the jog didn't end up on a fold like I'd wanted. But the damn thing is around 10 ft long and it's hard to find that much space. Maybe I'll just add the fringe and be done with it. I have to have it ready in a week, so that may be something I do this weekend. I've also made a couple Jayne hats for a coworker and his wife (actually, I'm not finished with either of them--they both need pompons attached). I started another BSJ, this time for G, but this past weekend I decided to move furniture around instead of knit. Because I'm apparently crazy. But it's nice that my bed is back in my old bedroom; it feels much more familiar this way. I just have to finish putting some of the stuff away and bring up my smaller desk and I'll be finished.

So...Ravelry. I'm officially obsessed. I was falling asleep reading the forums last night but I couldn't make myself stop reading because the discussions were fascinating. I love it. And now C is knitting and is on there. I feel like I've corrupted her. In a good way.


Baby Surprise and Stuff

FO - BSJ, originally uploaded by LaurenKnits.

I finished the blanket! Not in time to give to C when she was in the office, but in plenty of time for cold weather. I think I'll be seeing her on Monday so I can give it to her to give to J. I hope he likes it. My to-be-completed list is actually shrinking despite the picture above. That's the Baby Surprise Jacket that I made on a whim. I worked on it over the weekend while I was on the couch with a headache. Since nothing I did made the headache go away, I decided to knit. I'm officially in love with this pattern. It's like knitting origami.

I think I'll be making a couple more for the other babies. Actually, I already ordered the yarn for them, so I will definitely be making them. And when the Gryffindor scarf is finished, I can start thinking about my own sweater that I'm getting excited about. The yarn is waiting patiently for me.

So the BSJ is for a temp who's been working with us since August. I'm almost finished a matching hat, and I should be able to finish a bib (from Mason-Dixon Knitting) in time to give her tomorrow, which is her last day. I hope she likes them. I'm pretty sure she will.

My friend (the recipient of the Endless Scarf of Stockinette) is having a Halloween party and we're supposed to come as book, tv, or movie characters. I'm actually pretty excited about my costume. I'm going to be Madame Defarge from A Tale of Two Cities. That means I can knit and still be in character. I ordered the pieces for my costume, and I hope they come in on time. The good thing is that the party isn't until the first weekend in November. So I hope that's enough time for the various parts to come together. I like when I have a good idea. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is what to do with my hair, but I think I'll look on a costume site or on eBay for a wig. We're spending the night after the party for a Supernatural marathon, so I don't want to powder or spray my own hair white and then have to sleep on it.


Blanket Proof: