
Trying to come up with witty titles about being busy

I don't want to talk about being busy at work. Until I get some help, I will remain busy. I'm thankful to have good job security right now, so I'm trying to keep the complaining to a minimum. So instead, I'm going to post pictures of things I've been working on lately:

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4 0z of merino from Freckle Face Fibers on etsy. I'm not over the moon about it and may give it away. It was fun to spin, though.

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Spinning in process. 4-ish ounces of merino. I'm working on pre-drafting better and so far I'm getting a pretty consistent single. And the color is spreading nicely throughout the single, too, so I think it'll be really pretty when it's done. I'll probably navajo ply it.

FO - Baby Blanket

Baby blanket for C. I need to send this to her soon. Log Cabin pattern in Knit Picks shine sport in a bunch of colors.

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I'm really proud of this one. 4 oz of merino from Spritely Goods. The colorway is called Olive Grove. I love it. spun on a 1-oz Golding and navajo plied. I need to figure out what to do with it.

I've been working on a lot of baby stuff lately. I'm almost finished a pair of booties (just need seaming and buttons) and I'm most of the way through another blanket. I've got a couple more projects planned, so I'm keeping occupied.

I think I'll be ready to buy a house soon. It's scary and exciting all in one. It'll be nice to get out of my parents' house and on my own again. I saw one online today that I really liked, but would probably be out of my price range. I guess once I get pre-approved for a mortgage, I can start seriously looking at locations.