
Of Blankies

So I've scrapped the idea of the butterflies and dragonflies. I think it was partly because they weren't ending up really square and I didn't want to block it all nice and then get all weird the first time the recipient ran it through the wash. So I've decided to do a log cabin style blanket using the same colors. So far it's going well, and quickly. That's probably because the rectangles are fairly small still.

The good thing about the pattern is that it's a fairly mindless knit. I don't have to pay attention to the pattern or really count stitches. I've been so tired lately with moving and going to the apartment every night after work for an hour or so to clean that I haven't been able to really concentrate on too much when I get home. Most nights it's been after 8 that I get home, and one night it was closer to 9. And since I leave the house at 7 am, it makes for a long day. So mindless garter stitch is ok by me.

Only a few more days and I'll be finished with the apartment and I won't have to deal with it anymore. Of course, then I have to unpack all my stuff so my parents can have their living room back. But there isn't really a deadline for that.

I'll try to remember to take pictures of the log cabin blanket progress later tonight.


Both Kinds of News

Good News: Kelley's socks (mostly) fit. She had a little trouble fitting them over her heel, but once they were on they seemed to fit well. Of course, if they were killing her feet, she wouldn't have told me because I think she feels bad that the first pair didn't fit and I've been working on these socks for a really long time. I just hope she likes them and she wears them.

Good News: My lace books came in from KnitPicks. I want to make everything in Victorian Lace Today. The photography in the book is great and it's so cool to read about the Victorian patterns that inspired the book. I also got Folk Shawls, which looks like an interesting book as well. I got some new yarn as well, and figured out what I'm going to do for the one coworker's baby blanket. Similar to the one I made for Maggie, but using sport-weight (so smaller squares) in fun, bright, springy, pretty colors. More specifically, KnitPicks Shine Sport in Aquamarine, Hydrangea, Butter, Blush, and Sky. My WIP bag looks like it's full of candy. Oh, and the dishcloth patterns I'll be using are butterfly, dragonfly, and flower. Totally girly. I'm so excited.

Good News: I'm almost moved out of my apartment. I think my brother will help me get the last boxes this weekend. The bad news is that it's killing my back. Doesn't take much, it seems.

Bad News: The other coworker's baby unfortunately did not live. I cried when I heard the news. I feel so awful for the family, to lose a child under any circumstances must be one of the most difficult things to experience. I've not yet had the opportunity to be a parent, but I can imagine that it must be heart-wrenching to go through.

But, Good News: They have a healthy and beautiful older child and they seem very strong and capable of handling this sadness. I wish them well in their healing process. I wish there was something I could do, but I'm not sure what a situation like this needs.



I have a confession. I'm in love with knitting lace. Yes, "technically" I haven't done very much lace knitting, and nothing major, but I'm still in love. For the past couple weeks I've been looking up free lace shawl patterns and getting lace books. I think I'm obsessed. The only problem is that I'm not really a shawl, stole, or wrap kind of person. I like scarves (love them in fact) but I don't foresee actually wearing any of the many (many many many) lacy items I want to make. So what do I do with them?

Of course I ask that question assuming I'll like it once I really get into it. For all I know, I'm wasting my time and money on all this lace stuff. I think I'll like it though. I think because it'll be a challenge. I love a good challenge.

The other thing I've found myself wanting to make is a baby sweater. There's a link from knitting pattern central for a baby teeshirt that says iCutie on it. It's perfect for my Mac-loving friends and their baby girl. I think that'll be another project I tackle.

One of the coworkers I was going to make a baby item for this summer had some bad news recently. It looks like the baby has a pretty serious heart problem and without a transplant, the baby will die shortly after being born. I think he's supposed to find out soon whether transplant is an option and if it is, they'll be put right on the list. I really hope they're candidates for a transplant. Now that my friends have had babies, I've come to realize even more how special and amazing a new baby is and to think that he and his wife may lose that is heart-wrenching. But if transplant is an option and the baby makes it, I really want to make something extra special for him, his wife, the big sister, and the baby. Because it's an extra miracle to survive that.


Kelley's Socks

Originally uploaded by LaurenKnits
Proof that I did actually finish the socks. I just hope they fit her. It would really suck if they didn't. I'm proud of them and have vowed to not knit socks for a very long time. I'm sticking with bigger needles for the time being.

These got wrapped up (in Christmas wrapping of course) and are now waiting to be given to the recipient a few months late. I'm making sure they don't end up in one of the boxes going to storage because it might be a really long time before I see them again if they get in there.

Yup, storage. I'm moving. Just back home for a little while as I sort out what to do (buy a house, go back to school, etc.). There's no rent and I'll have lots of space to myself. I had to downsize the yarn stash a little though. That was unfortunate.

Next projects are the Clapotis in laceweight yarn, something for a coworker's baby, and then who knows. I'm sort of liking using laceweight yarns and I've been looking a lot at lace shawls/wraps/stoles. Maybe something like that will be next.