

You know what next week is? Assuming I get this one project done, next week is the first week since probably October that I don't have a specific thing to work on. Wow.

A couple things could affect this. I have the one project, which needs more work that I originally thought, and I have to finish part of another one but that will more than likely be done this week.

So next week is the first week I can really start on the documentation organization that I've been dying to do! So much fun! Yes, I'm a document geek. But things like that make me really happy. As messy as my personal environments tend to be, I really like neatness and order in a lot of places. Kitchens, bookshelves, yarn shelves, and document storage. I'm going to be a happy camper next week. I hope nothing comes up in the meantime. (That, right there, that's where I jinxed it.)


I started my first sweater. It's going well so far. I like that it's all stockinette so I can work on it while I watch TV. I'm already thinking about modifications to it, but I think I'll play it by pattern this time. Next time I might make it a V-neck instead of crewneck. Assuming I like it and it turns out well. And I hope it does. I should work on that during Project Runway tonight.

Maybe Ricky will cry again.



Yup, I'm 27. Yay for me. I had a fun birthday, which is nice because the last month has pretty much sucked.

It's always hectic around release time but this time seemed so much worse. Probably because not only was there the normal release stress, but also the holiday stress, the I-have-to-get-a-full-week's-work-done-in-two-days stress due to days off (which were very much needed, appreciated, and used to every advantage), and just trying to get everything done. As a result of all the craziness, I ended up staying late at work every day except two.

Now that I'm approaching the end of the work related to the release, I'm realizing how burnt out I am and how much it affected me. I've been sleeping poorly, I can't concentrate worth a damn, and I seem to get annoyed/frustrated way more easily than normally.

The good news is that I have a great boss who not only notices the effort and hard work but also makes a point of telling me it's appreciated. Sometimes hearing that is what I need to get through stuff like this. Of course, emotions being so close to the surface, I tend to tear up when I hear that, but it's still appreciated.

I'm excited about the year coming up. I'm taking on a new project of my own creation and convinced the right people that it's a good thing for the company. Basically updating and organizing the documentation. I think it'll be fun and will (I hope) demonstrate that I can succeed at something else. And maybe that will someday lead to a promotion. Plus the project is different enough from my normal tasks that it'll have that feeling of something new that I like to experience every so often.


I seem to be in a little bit of a knitting slump. I'm not sure what I want to make. I've been exploring the patterns on Ravelry and have some ideas but I need some inspiration. I haven't started my sweater yet. Maybe I should make myself start. Because I'm fine once I'm actually working on a project, it's the project choosing that stumps me. I hope that the slump is due more to the last month than being bored with knitting. Or spending too much time reading the Ravelry forums. :)