
gren and golden

I got to wear flip-flops yesterday. If you know me at all then you know that I was extraordinarily happy being able to do that.

Work is busy lately and will be until almost the end of April. I think I'll be coming in to the office saturday to get some work done. Just too much for weekdays alone.

Spring is inching its way here. Yesterday was in the 80s, today in the 60s, tomorrow in the 50s. But it'll get back to the 60s. Weather here is weird sometimes. Not that I'm hoping for extremely warm temperatures anytime soon. I hate the hot and humid summer months. that weather can stay far away for as long as it wants. I'm in no hurry for that crap.

Still waiting on M's wee one. She's due this friday, so it's not like we're too anxious yet, but I'm so excited to see what she's having (boy or girl is still unknown) and to hear the name she'll pick.

A (C's daughter) gets cuter every day. We visited them on friday and it's amazing how much babies change in just a few short weeks. In a time where I feel like not too much has changed in my life, she's gone from sleeping all the time to being awake and alert, focusing her eyes, drinking in her environment, and even starting to show some facial expressions. Utterly amazing. She gazes at you as if she's trying to mark each one of your features in her memory. Babies are downright cool. Makes me want one (or a couple) even more than I did before. Someday.

all i have time for today. busy. and it's lunch time.



I feel it coming. Even though it's cold outside right now, spring is on its way. The days are longer and the sun is warmer. Last week it was in the 70s a couple days. Yep, spring is definitely coming.

Good thing, too. I didn't think I was having seasonal depression, but I think I may have had a touch. Last night in the shower (before dyeing my hair--first time in a long time) I felt really good. Like the water was washing away this weight I've had all winter. Hard to explain, but I felt good. Happy. The kind of happy where you didn't even know you were that unhappy until the happiness comes. Not that I think it was that bad before the happy-revelation, but I noticed a change. Either that or I was having a really good day.

I think part of it has to do with some upcoming changes. One of which is me moving, probably back home for a little while. It's not that I haven't enjoyed living in my apartment, but I think I've been unhappy there. I feel like I have more driving-related stress (even though the commute is shorter) and just stress about the area in which I live. I just don't like it. I miss trees and grass and having a yard. I miss the quiet of the suburbs instead of the near-urbanness of Burtonsville/Silver Spring. I miss living in an area where my car isn't scratched and dented and has stickers and almost a license plate pulled off. Where I can't hear people having an all-day/all-night party. Maybe I'm homesick. I'm definitely town-sick. I miss R-town.

I think I'm also ready to be on my own (well, after living with my parents again and saving up enough money to be on my own, that is). To be able to decorate and live how I want without being second-guessed or judged for my opinions and taste. To be completely and totally myself. Maybe that's what I've missed lately. Being me. Or maybe realizing I don't know all the way who 'me' is. I think living on my own (bout damn time) will help me figure out that last step in determining who I am without relating it to someone. Not someone's friend, or sister, or roommate, or daughter. Just plain old Lauren. I think knowing me apart from those people will help me be a better me with those people, if that makes sense.

And if it doesn't, it's not like anyone actually reads this, so I can pretty much make all the nonsense I want to. It's sort of liberating in a way.

Enough with the self-awareness and soul-searching. Time to pack it in for the day. Never thought this entry would end up navel-gazing. I was just gonna talk about flowers and shit.


Finished Socks

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Since I've mentioned them in more than a couple entries (posts?) lately, I shall present the completed Roommate's socks. I bruised my finger with these from pushing the needle through tight loops. But they're done and they fit and she likes them. I used Yarncakes brand in Cinnaberry on US 1 needles. Pattern is Dublin Bay from here.

I have lots of yarn left over, probably because she has tiny feet. I'll give her some in case I need to make any repairs down the line and put the rest in my stash for later. I may be able to get some baby socks or something out of the leftovers. Dunno. Or a doily or something.

Now all I have left is Kelley's socks. And some easy (read: garter stitch) baby blankets. I'm about halfway done one sock and I'm a few rows into a blanket. I'm moving right along. Then I need to find something to do with this laceweight yarn I just had to buy and now I don't know what to do with. I think this summer will be knitting lace experimentation time. My other goal this summer is to make sure I have a full set of cold weather gear made by me for me. So far I have a hat and scarf, although I don't want my clapotis to become my default winter scarf. It gets too pilly. I'm thinking of getting some more of the purple Andean Treasure from knitpicks and making a scarf and some gloves/mittens from that. Then I'll have a matching set. That would be cool.

I think I may de-stash a little. I've got some Kureyon I don't know what to do with and some Lamb's Pride in the same boat. I guess I'll try to get rid of it on ebay. Maybe also some of the acrylic I bought forever ago and never did anything with. I much prefer using wool and cotton and alpaca now. Silly acrylic.


Almost done

The end is in sight. Both for the project at work and my Christmas knitting. I finished one of Roommate's socks and will probably start #2 tonight. I needed a break from tiny needles for a little while. After that it's Kelley's socks, some simple baby blankets for the coworkers (3!) who are having babies in the next few months, and stuff for me. I just ordered some laceweight yarn to do something with. Who knows. But it looks pretty and it was inexpensive (I love KnitPicks!!!) so I won't feel too bad if it's not something I take to. I'd like to make a Clapotis in the smaller gauge as a light spring wrap. It's something I can take to the conference with me, hopefully.

Christine and the baby are doing well. She's so pretty and I'm totally in love with her. I will gladly be Auntie Lauren. Rachel will be up this weekend to visit for the first time since the behbeh was born, and she's very excited.

I'm ready for spring. Today was/is cold and windy and I'm not too keen on that. And I forgot my scarf, so it's doubly bad. At least I had my gloves.

Time to go home.