
Answers, Sort Of

I have one answer I'm excited about: the mysterious breathing issue is...asthma. I was surprised that it could just start up one day like that, but I've been assured it can. Apparently I always had the potential to develop it, it was just a matter of time/circumstance to see what flipped the switch, I guess. You could say I'm living up to my potential. I've got a rescue inhaler plus a maintenance medicine and things seem to be getting back on track. I'm coughing more than I'd like, but I have a follow-up appointment in late October, so I'll probably wait to address that until then. Still nothing on the other stuff, but it's not horrible to live with and tests that come back negative are better than no answers, I think.

I finished my February Lady Sweater. At the moment you can still see it in the sidebar under my Ravelry works in progress, because I haven't woven in the ends and blocked it yet. I think I like it. I think I'd like it more if it were at a tighter gauge. It's worsted on size 8 needles, and I think I like this yarn better on 7s. I'm going to think about it and decide whether I want to reknit it. I think if I do I'll go with a rounder yoke instead of the square one. I have some other sweaters I want to do, though, so this may get put aside until I have more interest in fixing something already existing rather than making something new.

I've also finished a Multnomah in a really cool colorway from my friend Kellie at Lizard Toes. I need to get some pictures of that. And I'm making good progress on my brother's blanket, which will be huge. I think there are 10 blocks and I've done 5. Not quite halfway because of the size of the blocks, but I hope to be finished by Christmas.

This weekend I'll be at SVFF (Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival) helping the aforementioned Kellie out at her booth. I'm really excited and I hope everyone loves her yarn and stitchmarkers. And buys them, of course. I hope the weather cooperates. The last few days have been unseasonably warm (hot). I even had to turn on my AC again after having it off for almost two weeks. I'm so ready for fall.

Rhinebeck is in a couple weeks, and I'm getting really excited about that too. I have a modest shopping list, and I can't really go too crazy, but after this insane summer and all the stress I've had, I'm really looking forward to a weekend of fiber, friends, probably a little drinking, and lots of laughter. I'm counting down the days.

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